What to Wear for Family Photos | 3 Tips on How to Coordinate instead of “Match”
The hardest part of family photos, besides convincing your husband that they are worth the investment and getting your kids to behave hehe, is choosing what to wear for your family photo session! And not only what you will wear, but what everyone in your family should wear so that everything flows well together in the photos. Can I get an amen? And I get it. We invest in family photos with a professional photographer at least once every year and choosing what to wear can be tough. But, it doesn’t have to be!
3 Tips on How to Coordinate Instead of “Match”
The biggest tip you will hear when it comes to choosing outfits for family photos is to COORDINATE instead of MATCH. But what does that mean? Today, I’m rounding up 3 of my favorite outfits that past clients of mine have worn to give you some visual ideas of what to pick out for your next family photo session and giving 3 tips to go along with them of what photographs well and what looks good together in photos. I hope these photos & tips will get you going in the right direction so that deciding what to wear for your family photos can be the very least of your worries.
Already have your outfits picked out? Book your Family Photo Session today!
Because let’s face it, if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobodyyy happy. ;)
And let me just take a shot in the dark. You probably have a camera roll on your iPhone full with photos of your kids. And several of your husband playing with the kids. But how many do YOU get to be in? You are the photo taker, memory maker, make-it-happen QUEEN of this family and I think that you feeling beautiful & confident should take first priority. Maybe I’m biased, but I think you need to hear it, mama!
I promise, you will be able to find something for your husband to wear. And hey, it might even be time to update his wardrobe because chances are, if you’re like our family, your husband has the same shirts in his closet that he had in college. Anyone?... ha!
And, you will find something for your littles to wear. Your babe will end up in the perfect outfit that goes with yours. Trust me.
You need a starting point to guide your outfit choosing process. So, this is me giving you 100% permission to start with YOU. :) Receive and believe! You deserve it.
This color palette I found on Pinterest goes with the Bayne’s wardrobe and shows how helpful having a great visual can be when choosing your outfits. You may not have originally imagined red and green going together, but a mood board like this helps you see the plan come together! I saved this image from Pinterest via FabMood.com.
Now that you’ve picked out your outfit, based on what you feel most beautiful & confident in, use the color(s) of your outfit as the starting point for your color palette.
To fill in the rest of your palette, utilize Pinterest for color inspiration! Type “what to wear with (fill in the blank with your color)” into the search bar and see what comes up.
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut of what colors go together, but Pinterest can be a life saver in that regard. Especially when you already know what YOU are wearing. You’re halfway there!
I love the color palette that the Bayne family wore for their family photo session with me. These soft reds, greens, & creams all blended together so well for a happy, calming vibe that looked so good together!
This can be a helpful tip if you’re feeling like the ~vibe~ of your outfits are a little bit disjointed. Maybe you’re feeling easy, breezy boho and your man is looking preppy. Searching for outfits from the same store, or at least similar brands, can help streamline your look.
The Morton family look straight out of the same magazine with their classic, cozy, and tailored look. I love the way their outfits fit right together.
Ready to take beautiful photos of your every day life?
Want to learn more about how to take beautiful photos of the moments in between your professional photo sessions? That’s exactly why I created my online Digital Photography 101 course. Because I believe you can take beautiful photos of your everyday life that you’re excited to display around your home and share with friends and family!